5 Best Low-Impact Exercises to Stay Fit and Healthy

As people become more health-conscious, many are seeking exercise routines that are not only effective but also gentle on their bodies. Low-impact exercises are an excellent option for people looking to get fit without risking injury. These exercises reduce the stress on the joints, making them suitable for people with injuries, arthritis, or chronic pain.

Here are the five best low-impact exercises to stay fit and healthy.

1. Walking

Walking is one of the most accessible and straightforward low-impact exercises. It requires no special equipment or gym membership, making it a great option for anyone looking to improve their fitness level. Walking is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that strengthens the legs and lower body muscles. It is also a mood booster and helps reduce stress levels.

To get the most out of your walking routine, aim to walk for at least 30 minutes a day, five times a week. You can also vary your walking routine by adding inclines, walking on different surfaces, or incorporating interval training.

2. Cycling

Cycling is another great low-impact exercise that can be done indoors or outdoors. It is an excellent option for anyone looking to improve their cardiovascular fitness while also strengthening their leg muscles. Cycling is also a great way to burn calories and boost your mood.

If you don’t have a bike, you can use a stationary bike at home or at the gym. Aim to cycle for at least 30 minutes a day, three to five times a week. You can also increase the intensity of your cycling routine by adding resistance or intervals.

3. Swimming

Swimming is a fantastic low-impact exercise that works out almost every muscle in the body. It is particularly beneficial for people with joint pain or injuries because the buoyancy of water reduces the impact on the joints. Swimming is also an excellent way to improve cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and balance.

If you’re new to swimming, start with a few laps and gradually increase your distance and speed. Aim to swim for at least 30 minutes a day, three to five times a week. You can also try different swimming strokes or add resistance by using swimming aids like paddles or kickboards.

4. Yoga

Yoga is a low-impact exercise that focuses on flexibility, strength, and balance. It is an excellent option for people looking to improve their mental and physical health. Yoga also helps reduce stress and anxiety levels and improves overall well-being.

There are different types of yoga, including hatha, vinyasa, and restorative yoga. If you’re new to yoga, start with a beginner’s class and gradually work your way up to more advanced poses. Aim to practise yoga for at least 30 minutes a day, three to five times a week.

5. Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact exercise that focuses on strengthening the core muscles and improving flexibility and balance. It is an excellent option for people with back pain or injuries because it helps improve posture and reduce pain. Pilates also helps improve muscle tone and flexibility.

If you’re new to Pilates, start with beginner’s classes and gradually increase the difficulty level of the exercises. Aim to practise Pilates for at least 30 minutes a day, three to five times a week.


What are low-impact exercises?

Low-impact exercises are physical activities that put less stress on your joints and muscles compared to high-impact exercises. These exercises are perfect for people who want to stay fit and healthy without straining their bodies too much.

How often should I do low-impact exercises?

It is recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week. You can break this down into shorter sessions throughout the week.

Can low-impact exercises help with weight loss?

Yes, low-impact exercises can be effective in achieving weight loss goals, especially when combined with a healthy diet.


Low-impact exercises are an excellent way to increase your fitness without risking injury. Walking, cycling, swimming, yoga, and Pilates are all great options that offer various benefits for your physical and mental health. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, incorporating these exercises into your routine can help you stay fit, healthy, and happy.
